Media and Appearances

In the CBS article titled 'Recession Kids Get a Voice in Town Hall,' our therapist Kimberly Agresta offers valuable insights on helping children cope with the anxiety and challenges they may face during an economic recession. Her contributions provide guidance and support to young individuals navigating these uncertain times.

The article "Is it Okay to discipline someone else's kid?" delves into the question of when it's appropriate to discipline another person's child. Kimberly Agresta provides insights into the appropriateness of disciplining someone else's child. She emphasizes that it is generally acceptable to step in when there are issues related to aggression or safety, both in and outside the home, and offers advice on using a firm yet tactful approach to address such situations. Agresta highlights the importance of ensuring children's safety and well-being while maintaining respectful interactions with other parents.

In the article "Children Reap Emotional & Behavioral Benefits from Grandparents," Kimberly Agresta emphasizes the significance of the grandparent-grandchild relationship. She underscores the emotional support, stability, and sense of security that close relationships with grandparents offer children, as well as their role in reducing emotional and behavioral issues in children. Agresta also highlights the unique qualities of grandparent-child relationships, where grandparents can provide unconditional love and valuable life lessons, serve as mentors and role models, and offer essential support for both children and parents.

Kimberly Agresta provides insights into the societal conventions of women changing their last names upon marriage in the article, "I Happily Changed My Last Name After I Got Married, but I Didn't Realize What I'd Lose.” She explains the origins of this tradition and the pressures women face when deciding whether to change their names, shedding light on the importance of choice and empowerment in such decisions.

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